July 20, 2004    Depression


A summer ends
A new day squeaks bye
It was the winter of discontent
That memories became gobbled up
And voices were never quite clear
It was the spark of just one day
Where depression became a thing of the past

These were the words that scrambled within my brain on a Saturday evening when nothing to do became something very important to say. It was the day before that brought my mind to such clarity. It was a guest speaker out at our potluck – who's innocent charm, clarity of voice, and thought brought forth a wealth of quiet determination. Her word became my crutches – my inspiration – to repeat the knowing of what it takes to just do it.

It is the story of Mary – a story of depression – A story of being so alone with so much around. Where it began, it really doesn't matter – the truth be told. Depression strikes at the core of our soul. It captures the heart. It binds the faith. It makes everything so important – Like Life – Like children – Like loved ones seem so unimportant. Mary had it all. Mary had nothing.

She stood speaking – quite nervous – quite anxious – quite not sure. She had never spoke in front a group of people. She did everything to make her speech easier. She prepared the notes – all her pages were so carefully written – so carefully prepared – so carelessly passed aside as soon as she began her story.

It is on this note we begin to understand what it takes to beat depression – what it takes to stop taking drug medication after 5 years – what it takes to invite all your friends, daughter, boyfriend to hear her story. Mary had reached the point of no return – the only thing to trust was her innate wisdom.

Mary for whatever reason wanted to get off medication. She had been alone for too long. Her heart was void of happiness. There was no light at the end of the tunnel. There was no wild exhilaration of being alive and surrounded by loved ones. It was the darkness of night and the sadness of being alone that captured her days and nights.

Mary in her darkest hour discovered the raw food concept – Mary in her darkest hour discovered fasting. Mary began making changes from a vegan diet to a raw food diet. Mary found her tunnel. Mary knew what she had to do. Mary's words were flowing freely – There became a confidence as she spoke of the final step – that enabled her to free herself of that day-in, day-out depression. Mary attended a lecture on fasting – for whatever reason for whatever thought. The message resonate – through Mary's soul of being – Fasting just maybe the answer. And so it happened – as so stated…

Mary took the plunge and went on a 14-day water fest. She spoke, I listened. It was a story of triumph of victory – of a young girl changing to a complete woman with confidence in her very word. A story of stopping one's medication – one day, one week, one year and never looking back. A story of Mary beating her depression.

I thank you for your time,
