December 12, 2003    May your day...


A starry night that brings light into the midnight air

The magical voices of whispers that cringe into bittersweet

A moment of silence. A new dawn appears

We laugh, we weep, we begin to understand

The power of a woman who knows how to share

Without wanting anything in return


It was on this somber note that I begin this week’s newsletter. I write of women who dare and dare not. I write of fear and fear not. I write of stories of hope and of a better tomorrow, versus no hope and just surviving the day. It was this past week’s past events that gave me the inspiration to share, to let go, to try to understand the essence of who we are and what life is meant to be.


It began the Saturday before last. I was sent an email about finding information on the disease Celiac Sprue. I read the email over and over. I read what was requested and what was not. I read the reaction of a woman whose whole world turned upside down when she was given the diagnosis of this disease. All her hope became frustration. All her worldly know how came screeching to a halt. She had to change her dietary lifestyle in order for her healing process to begin


I too was in a quandary. She asked for guidance on how she should treat this particular disease. Although I knew nothing of this disease –I knew enough. Although I had done no research on the whys and the preventive measures of this little known disease, I instinctively knew exactly what to do to reverse the causes as well as make sure it would never affect her again.


In truth all diseases are the same. According to Health Seekers by Victoria Bidwell, all diseases are caused by Toxemia and auto-intoxification. Do I dare identify to the reader that the cause and cure are one and the same. The two sources of toxemia labeled Endogenous and Exogenous are mostly preventable or at the very least can be kept to a minimum.


      The Health Seekers quote endogenous toxemia as:

1.      Metabolic waste

2.      Spent debris from cellular activity

3.      Dead cells

4.      Emotional and mental stress

5.      Physical stress

The second Major cause of all disease in my opinion, including Celiac Spreu is called   exogenous toxins. As quoted in the Health Seekers:

1.      Unnatural food and drink

2.      Natural food deranged by cooking

3.      Improper food combinations

4.      Medical, pharmaceutical, herbal and supplemental drugging

5.      Tobacco, alcohol and all forms of recreational drugging

6.      Environmental and commercial industrial pollutants

7.      Impure air and water


These are the reasons why disease exists in the United States. These are the words why cancer is spreading at an alarming rate and is the number one killer of children in the United States today. These are the thoughts on what I know of why disease occurs and why Celiac Spreu can be reversed so easily. Just remove the cause and give the body a healthy environment and the body will heal itself; that pure, that simple.


My mind wonders. Is it worth all the effort to review the medical journals, the Merck Manuel the many texts that deal with healing on all levels? This was my dilemma. It was a time of consideration, not one of financial gain. I do all my research gratis without pay. It is my love of what I do and who I am. My reward is just that I do what I do knowing that life has it synchronicity in handing out what has value and what doesn’t. It is on that note that things began to unfold, to unleash a trail of events that led me to this Saturday afternoon writing this newsletter.


It was the Tuesday before last. The time was around 6 pm, an hour before I had supposedly made the decision to begin researching on what exactly is Celiac Sprue. My mind had been obsessively wandering back and forth on whether to research or not. Was it worth the effort? As all due things come to pass what happened at 6pm became my answer on what I really should do.


It’s 6 o’clock and for whatever reason I was at the Acme supermarket pharmacy section with my grandson. He, not knowing better, thought this section was like play city. There were scales and chairs and counters and clothes and even a blood pressure machine, all goodies to an eight year old who doesn’t get bored by the trivia of everyday things. I had no choice but to occupy myself until he either gave me the secret word that he had had enough or I, having had enough, gave him my nod. In either case we were within those moments of having nothing else better to do. I picked up one of the pharmaceuticals magazines. It was at precisely at that moment that  the heavens opened and the chills of night-sweat came barreling out the door. There on page 5 in blue letters stood an article on Celiac disease.


It was meant to be. I had my answer on whether to research or not. I had my answer on what causes Celiac disease. As quoted, ”Celiac disease is a little known digestive disorder caused by a non-tolerance to gluten-protein found in all forms of wheat.” This is the information, which gave me the answer: not to research. I continued reading about Celiac Spreu how it can become chronic and life threatening. The classic symptoms as quoted, ”are abdominal cramping, intestinal gas, bloating, chronic diarrhea and constipation.” The list goes on and on. I am in somewhat of a stupor. All of these symptoms, all of these pains, all of these reactions are for no reason.


The way to not only healing it, but also preventing it deals with purity and excellence. Simply remove the cause and the disease usually goes away. The answer to ridding the body of Celiac Sprue is on a deeper level. If we study how bread is made, there lies an answer. As Quoted in God’s Way to Ultimate Health page 83, “The miller takes the living grain of wheat  and removes the outer shell called the bran, he then removes the  germ and what is left is called the endosperm. This is then ground into a fine powder and Clorox (chlorine) is added so the powder can be all white. That, my friends is bread. The same bread we use on our sandwiches, the same flour we use in our spaghetti, in our cakes and in our cooking. This flour contains zero fiber and zero nutrients. This wheat product also contains molecular structures which are, as quoted by Doug Graham D.C. in his book Nutrition and Athletic Performance, “similar enough to opium to cause an opium like response in the body”.


What we as a people have to realize is that bread, according to Grain Damage written by Doug Graham “simply does not exist in nature. Did you ever try to eat a tablespoon full of flour?”  These are the answers as to why Celiac Spreu. These are the answers on how Celiac Spreu can be reversed. These are the answers on why, in all honesty Celiac Spreu need not be researched.  The answer is always known.


As I began, so I end. Everything fit so perfectly, so in sync, so right except for one minor detail, a detail so trivial, so unimportant and yet not so unimportant that its very fact becomes the cornerstone of this newsletter. I write not only of Celiac, but of synchronicity, of hope, of glory, of tiny angels that watch over us and what we do. I am given a gift of continual hope, a continual flow of life; of being full not empty, of being given whatever I ask. It is on that basis that I ask for little.  At about the same time  I wanted to do research my thoughts were also on redoing the interior of my store in particular the seating arrangement  and specifically  the menu and the need for someone to take charge of its development.


These were my thoughts on the Tuesday before last.  As the article appeared so did Krista. Krista is owner of Shakti Yoga, a healing center in Jenkintown. Kristi also does interior designing. What I wanted to believe became a reality. I saw Krista’s work. I saw her center. I saw her apartment. I was in her presence for enough time that the decision to re-do the interior of my store was like a welcome mat for Krista to appear.


This weeks article is about more than Krista helping me.  It’s about more than me writing a newsletter.  It’s about more than suffering.  It’s about following our passion on what is right and what is wrong. There are no boundaries.   There are no rivers or lakes or words to create gulfs of misunderstanding.  It is one continuous flow of life; One into the other.   A purity that flows thru the core of ones being.  We write, we help, and we understand the love that is among and within us. Krista helped for the love of who she is.  I write for the love of who I am. The body heals for the love of what it is. There is a justice that comes from seeking the truth and being true to thyself. 


I close with thanks to those  before me and those behind.  I give thanks for the way things are. I thank you for your time.







Upcoming Events

Although December is generally a slow month in the health world, We at Arnold’s Way are continually on the move:


Tuesday Dec 9th from 6:30 to 8:30- Junko our Japanese intern will be giving a four course dinner which will be accompanied by an evening of entertainment provided by Linda Battiste. It should be quite an affair.  Seating is limited,  please register now, cost 15 dollars.

Monday Dec 15th from 6:30 to 8:30 -Junko will be giving a food prep class on the champion juicer and the dehydrator, cost 8 dollars pre-registration is required

Every Sat morning from 8:15 to 9:45 am Arnold gives a free breakfast lecture on raw food and healing

Last Sat of every month Arnold will be giving a food prep class from 8:15 to 9:45am cost 10 dollars pre-registration is required

Other raw food possibilities: Arnold is in negotiation with a raw food resort in Costa Rica, stay tuned.

A short reminder - our produce  is selling briskly-   whole case can be bought at 15 percent above our cost.  Half cases 20 percent above (only on certain items). Call for details. In any case our produce can match the prices of most supermarket’s conventional prices. We do not mess around.

Finally, as a courtesy to Krista, who by the way is somewhat of a raw foodist, will be having the following courses at her center:

        -Pre and Post Natal Yoga Training -    An in depth teacher training based on the most current information about  pregnancy and birth Dec 13 & 14th 12:30 to 6pm.

        -Workshops-training and education are available upon request call 215-517-5020