October 28, 2007    Quantum Healing


It is one of those mornings on which while lying in bed I was not quite sure whether to jump up like exploding firecrackers, to just sit in my bed, or to just continue chilling in a dream-like state and just continue to thinking blissfully about how beautiful life is. I was dreaming of having a life where there are no worries, no hassles, and everything that exists around me is geared for comfort and joy. It is on this note that I begin my story. It is on this note, on my being on a mostly raw and mostly fruit diet, how my life operates. It is also on this beautiful note, at this beautiful moment where one event leads into another, and each of these moments leads to an exciting, glorious, and almost an end in itself. This newsletter is all that and much more. It is a newsletter of miraculous results that unfolded right before my very eyes. What I saw, what I felt, scorched the very core of my inner self and inner child awakening to what life is, what life can be, what human possibilities can exist, not only on a small scale, but on a global scale as well. What I experienced is something that I wanted to share immediately, not three weeks later, that it is possible to live such a life. We do what we have to do making every moment count by considering each precious moment as one that can never be relived again. I flow with the wind, race to the stars and allow my heart of heart to speak of the joy of being a witness to the healing powers of Quantum Healing.

My introduction to Quantum Healing happened almost by accident, almost by design, almost by the powers to be, and, for all intentional purposes, I was given no choice in the matter, but to be introduced to its power of unlimited healing. I speak of our September pot luck that happened at my store. I speak of being notified about four o'clock, before our potluck dinner began, that our normal speaker could not be in attendance. Being the raw foodist that I am, and being open to the possibilities that exist when one door closes, that another one opens, and being of the belief that whatever will be will be, I flowed with the wind and waited for what the next moment will bring. In my cockiness, I thought I would speak and hold a kind of open forum. What I didn't expect was that about an hour before the pot luck began, a tall lanky, wide-smiling guy with gleaming eyes who looked eternally blessed would enter my store. What I didn't expect was that after a very short conversation with this unknown stranger who I just barely knew, would charm me into allowing him to speak in front of thirty guests at our potluck.

This, my friends, was my introduction to Joshua Mack of handsonwellness1@yahoo.com. This was my introduction of a man, who after eight minutes of speaking to me, not only literally blew my socks off, but who blew the socks off of nearly everyone in the audience who were just as amazed by what they were hearing and seeing as well. In Joshua's first eight minutes, he called for those in any type of pain, who were experiencing any kind of an ache, or who were experiencing any other kind of discomfort, and he will use his healing technique to help alleviate them. I thought to myself that this speaker is rather bold, rather on the edge, and that this man was literally putting his butt on the line by making such a radical result-oriented statement where there is no middle ground if the results didn't happen.

Joshua's first challenge was a man who looked totally disenchanted with the whole scenario, and who looked in total disbelief, and looked like he was about three seconds away from heading to the exit door. It was a moment where voices were clashing inside of his head. He probably was feeling that his chances of being healed were being tested to the max. This man was dealing with cancer, pain, cancer treatments, and feeling just plain tired of anything weird or not medically mainstream that could be of any help to him. This was what he thought when he was asked to close his eyes. This was what he thought when Joshua's vibrancy began to ascend. What I saw, what those in attendance saw within eight minutes was that this man's complexion changed from mildly hostile to a pure mellow harmonized demeanor. He changed from a stance of disbelief to one of being a believer. It was in that setting that the next woman appeared. She was open to healing. This woman was being bothered for years with a hip imbalance. We witnessed this in the way that she walked. You could see this in the way that she was standing. This is the way I saw it. This is the way that those in attendance saw it. But Joshua knew what he had to do to heal this woman. He knew that he had to raise his vibration energy level to a certain level and create a healing energy that would transform her pain, her discomfort, her sate of living day in and day out, not being in state of balance. What I saw was what the audience also saw. We saw a repeat performance of the same resulting experience as the first man had in just eight minutes (more or less). She was in total ecstasy. She had a look on her face of a certain peace. Her aura had changed completely. My only words were "whoa ". I wasn't completely wowed until the third person stood up. He had total stiffness caused by an injury. What I saw next, and what those in the audience saw next, bordered on a collective "wow" reaction. Once again within eight minutes I saw a young man who could barely extend his arm become highly flexible within eight minutes. I then released a big "wow" as I was impressed as everyone else in the room. We hung onto every one of Joshua's words and his words became one of my mantra to learn more about Quantum Healing.

I could go on, but I can't at this time, but there were five people that were somehow magically transformed by Joshua that night as well. In conclusion, what I wanted to share, is that what I saw one day later was that I had to use this magical transformation of healing, this transference of reaching for that magical innate power within each and everyone of us for the highest good of not only ourselves but of each other,

One day later, I had the opportunity, along with my friend Daniel who was also in attendance of Joshua's brief lecture, who also just happened to be in the same room hearing the same story of a woman being very much in distress. We both listened as she began lamenting about her poor cat that was going to die soon. She lamented about how she did not want to leave her at its time of nearness to death. She shared her story. We both listened and for whatever reason, we remembered the previous night's events. We remembered the basics of Quantum Healing. Even though we were not trained, even though we had no idea what to say, no idea what to do, we knew that if there ever was a time to apply our very little bit of knowledge of Quantum Healing, now would be as good a time as any to try to apply what we had learned. It was on this note that I end this week's newsletter. Daniel and I applied what we had learned the other night. We called upon the energy of the sun energy, of the moon energy, of the life forces, and to transform it to this lady's cat so that she would not have to leave in the middle of her visits to go home. The cat's weight had dwindled down to 6 pounds. She was on the verge of dying. Daniel and I just used our innate healing ability to magically transform ourselves to her place almost three thousand miles away, and began the healing process in a quiet meditation. We prayed and the woman prayed. We called upon the universal earth's forces to help us out. We were successful. The cat not only lived through the night, her cat continued to live, gain weight and to eventually return to its old self. Her day of transformation came upon the day that Daniel and I started our prayers for her.

I thank you for you time.
