January 8, 2002    Drugs


Spring vibrates its illusion of despair
 A summer jumps our with joyous contempt
A darkening of sky opens up into the midnight air
A child breathes a glorious sigh of relief
 The drugs are burned
A doctor chooses to give out love instead

So begins this week's topic on drugs, on heroin, on Echinacea, on aspirin. They are all seemingly different, all seemingly the same.  As a parent today I treat all drugs regardless of the name as poison.  According to T.C. Fry and Dr. Herbert M. Shelton from their article "The Monstrous Myth Called Medicine," "Most drugs are legally recognized as poisons and are controlled substances."  I read that statement, and I feel the pain because what I know today I didn't know yesterday.

In years past, I did not know, and years continued to pass when I did not know.  We thought we were doing the right things when we listened to the doctors, filled the prescriptions, and gave drugs to our children and to ourselves.  What happened in the past happened in the past.  I gave my kids drugs in ignorance.  My wife took drugs during pregnancy in ignorance. Today these things just won't happen.  According to "The Monstrous Myth Called Medicine," "Every physician who treats a patient with drugs or with other heroic means commits a crime - not against the law, for that is legally condoned, but against the client and humanity."

It's a Sunday night.  It's my first real day on this topic of drugs, children, and guilt.  I reflect on what was done, what can be done, and what will be done.  Who do we blame if there is somebody to blame?  By definition, the majority of doctors as we know them are "allopathic physicians."  Allopathy means "to create a parallel disease to overcome yet another disease."  This, my friends, is the way that most Americans are being treated today by their doctors.  This, my friends, is why I am writing.  This is the reason that iatrogensis the third leading killer in the USA is never mentioned, not once.  Iatrogensis deals with drug overdose caused by a mistake made by the doctor, by the patient, by someone, who in their ignorance, causes 280,000 deaths per year.

This information is being squashed.  This information has to gather force, for ignorance leads to continuation of the status quo.  Following such a thought process we at Arnold's Way begin exploring, begin espousing, and begin releasing the guilt that began so long ago.  It's a guilt that still affects us today.  I speak the words of Thomas Edison to you to hold them in place, to be enjoyed, to be enshrined, and to be remembered.  "The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease."

On that note I stop as the clock strikes midnight to rest for another day, giving thanks that all things are possible, all things are forgiving.  The way of life is the way of forgiving.  Peace abounds within us to be cherished and shared to those without.

I feverishly search for answers not for you but for me.  For many years I was ignorant about the effects of drugs on our bodies.  I was ignorant about their side effects and the reverberating effect of disempowering our young. We knew not, and we shared that ignorance with our children.  That was many years ago.  As the years passed our dependence on drugs diminished.  That is the way it is supposed to happen. And so it did, except for one child who at the age of 18 switched her aspirin to heroin.  First it was a lifetime of taking drugs to heal.  That was followed by another 9 years of taking drugs to heal, to feel better, to experience a high, and to understand heroin as a drug.

We read the words of Vierra Scheibner, Ph.D. in Immunization: Theory vs. Reality by Neil Miller.  "Generations of people have been brainwashed into believing that infectious diseases are bad and that we have to do something, anything to stop children from developing them."  It's on such a belief that we raised our kids.  Every cold, every cough, every fever that lasted more than 3 days meant a trip to the doctor.  We became vilified by our actions. We ask not for help for the child's illness.  Help is not help.  Help is almost a threat because when we see what the doctor's training entailed, we see the s/he has no choice but to offer a pill for sleep.  Each time we went to the doctor treatment was always the same: medication.  These were the early years of my ignorance.  Who's to blame when my child switched to different drugs of healing?  I sit in silence.  I write in fear.  I write without guilt. 

Dr. Herbert Shelton stated, "All drugs are poisonous."  He goes one step further to make a statement that applies to anyone of the medical field that dispenses any type of medication.  "Administering drugs are under all circumstances the administration of poisons.  Poisons do only one thing in the body.  They make chemical poisons that derange body function and can cause even fatal interference in its operation."

It was on this note that I decided to write this newsletter.  There is no proof of what drugs are taken and the damage they do forever in one's life span.  I close my eyes, and think of my daughter's addiction.  I think of her on again, off again behaviors and attempts to beat the habit.  Was she doomed from the very beginning?  I know and I don't know because my wife acted upon the same beliefs.  There was one pill for nausea, one pill for a cold, and one pill for discharge.  All were wrapped in nice packages, and all were taken when my wife was pregnant.  It was the sixth month of pregnancy.  It was in the doctor's office.  It was a time that has haunted our family.  The words were said with hope, with generosity, with total stupidity about the side effects of these medications.  I remember my wife taking the pills.  I remember my instinct telling me that it was wrong.  I remember my silence.  Not that I didn't know.  I was brainwashed.  That was then and this is now.  So I write not for answers, not for guilt.  I have not forgiveness.  It was one of those things that, at the time, everyone believed that they were doing the right thing.  I quote Dr. Herbert M. Shelton again.  In all my research, in all the books I read, in all the information that I gathered, he was the only author that spoke so clearly, so concisely, with such wisdom, and with such consciousness against the destructiveness of drugs whether is was heroin, cocaine, marijuana, aspirin, motrin, or ex-lax.  They are all the same.  All are chemicals.  "All chemical combinations in the body other than those the body directly controls are disastrous and contrary to its well-being."  We take this information and hold it in solemn dedication.  These are words not solutions.  There are millions of young adults who are hooked on drugs.

I remember the words of Anna-Inez, who runs a Health Education Center in PA. "It takes 11 years to rid the body of heroin on a standard American diet and 5.5 years on a raw food diet."

As  person who lives with this addiction, I win some days and I lose on most.  I am in total ignorance about what to say and what to do.  There are no accidents to those that are open to the possibilities.  A woman we will call Deborah called me up today and spoke to me of her fight, of her intentions to be true to herself.  She did not deal with addiction as a minor, nor as a parent, but this does not mean she was not affected.  She offered her brother-in-law a place to live.  He was a brother-in-law who had been a drug addict for 10 years and who had even beaten Deborah's sister. He was a drug addict whether he was guilty of his own accord or a victim of society's failure regarding the truth about the dangers of drugs.  When a drug enters the child's body there is a change.  When a drug enters the bloodstream of a pregnant woman that supports her child there is a change. We leave the blame aside.  Forget that our first-born came into this world screaming and has never stopped.  We set these wisdoms aside for they have no bearing in today's world of healing.

We listen to Deborah's choices, Deborah's hope, and Deborah's willingness to take charge of her brother-in-law after everyone in his family had given up hope on him.  She set the rules, based on intuition not knowledge, for there are no trade secrets regarding how to beat drug addiction.  Fighting drug addiction is an individual decision that has to come from within.  Deborah used her maternal instinct.  She gave him a home, her heart, her love, and her belief in truth, honor, and dietary choices.  She told him to rise with the sun, be humble amongst the trees, and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, for they are the cleanser of our souls.  She told him to practice breathing deeply to oxygenate his lungs.  In other words, she cared, she loved, and she did not give up on him.

I wish there were a happy ending for me to share today.  Unfortunately there is not because this story began two days ago, and my newsletter on drugs will end tomorrow.  The results cannot be seen for another 4-6 weeks. Knowing Deborah, I have no doubt about the outcome.  On that note I salute Deborah as my hero for I too have to follow the same path, setting the rules for a person who has been through drug addiction and needs a pattern of success to follow.  I keep my mouth shut and anxiously await tomorrow when I'll attend an Al-anon meeting.

But what we write about is what we write about.  The answers to so many diseases are so clear, so simple, and yet so far from grasp.  We hear the wounds of the fallen, we reach out, we share, and we are stopped.  Each one of us has our chosen path.  What am I saying is that those people who believe in drug therapy whether it is aspirin, Tylenol, Demerol, or heroin, whatever the drug of choice, it's one's choice.  A much as I would like to reach in within their minds, my hands are tied.  My voice does not reach those depths of pure clarity.  Thoughts of defeat have to become thoughts of acceptance.

On a daily basis, on a moment to moment basis, I feed my body, my life force, only fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.  I am not quite 100%, but the figure ranges between 95-99%.  The reason I am mostly raw is that with all my heart and with all my soul I believe this is the way the universal energy has been designed.  Our food is made by the creator for our salvation, our enjoyment, our healing, and our love.  We eat with this understanding, our cells all 75 trillion with their millions of components. It's an ecstasy in the making.  Cells are receiving messages of liveliness. There is almost nothing in my diet.  I am the zenith of frivolity. Happiness is not searched but enjoyed by the possibilities.  If for whatever reason I take cooked food in my diet, then that energy becomes part of who I am.  Also keep in mind our hearts beat 100,000 times a day and with each beat it travels 98,000 miles.  That's a tremendous workload.  Our heart does it day in and day out.  They are made to last 150 years.

What happens when we're young, vigorous, athletic, and without fear?  Our dietary choices of not caring take hold.  The dead cattle food, the growth hormones, the antibiotics, the whatever it took for the cow to reach that size.  Are they poisons?  Does this affect our thinking?  Can the murder of an animal be justified by our brain's truth?  Is there a strong correlation between these wretched conditions of raising cows for human consumption and the rising rates of most disease?  Is there a need for drugs when the condition of fairness arises for all creatures?  I sit in horror as a child eats a sausage and egg sandwich.  I watch in disbelief as a young girl carries her coffee to work.  I wretch at the very thought of people actually enjoying a cheese pizza.  I am deeply saddened by my eldest daughter who was once a heroin addict and who still to this day, although heroin free, is addicted to the poisons of what society has to offer.

I stop.  I close my eyes.  I attended my first Al-Anon meeting today.  It's the first one after my daughter begged for years.  It's the first one after not seeing any hope in my attending them either for me or for my daughter.

Deborah knew what she had to do with her brother-in-law after everyone gave up hope.  Our bodies know what to do once the causes of disease (the meats, the chicken, the eggs, the dairy, the wheat products, the sugars, the list is endless) are removed.  Our bodies still aim for purity to exist on the outside even if they are being feed impurities.  Peace has to exist in the inside.  Whatever it takes for this to happen, the body and its internal mechanism will strive for just that.

The ultimate responsibility lies upon ourselves: yourself, myself.  It's one of those dirty words that we all have to live with.  Drugs are poisons.  It's that simple.  As stated by Dr. Malkamus, "Remember, it is your body and you can have control over it."

Like everything else we have a choice.  I have a choice every moment of every day about what I say or what I do and what I believe.  "I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life that both thou and seed may live." (Deuteronomy 30:19)

So we end as we begin.  We wrote about aspirin and heroin in the same breath.  They are all the same poison and the same drug.  Where heroin kills, prescribed medicines also kill.  Addictions strike, hold, and destroy.  I continue my journey.  Each person and each child has choices.

Thank you for your time.


God's Way to Ultimate Health by Dr. George H. Malkamus
Phone interview with "Deborah"
Immunization:  Theory vs. Reality by Neil Z. Miller
Monstrous Myth Called Medicine by T.C. Fry and Dr. Herbert M. Shelton
"Drug Safety in the Workplace," Advance for Nurses, Dec 2001

Upcoming events at Arnold's Way

Arnold's Way now has a website!  www.arnoldsway.com.  You can register to receive these newsletters online.  Also check out past newsletters including PMS, ADHD, Smallpox, Heart disease, Antibiotics, incontinence, Colon cancer, depression, and much, much more!

Arnold's Way Cafe is now selling steaks, burgers, pizza, soups, salads, wraps, pates, and pies.  All yummy, all delicious, all raw.  Come check them out!  The raw food options are changing daily.  Stop by to check out the new cuisine at Arnold's Way!

Arnold's Way now offers Miss Dinie Live Gormet Pies.  Pre-ordered only. They are $35.  Flavors are Key-lime and Apple.  They are restaurant quality, all organic and all raw.

Saturday Jan 19th.  6:30-8:30pm.  Back from Atlanta, Georgia to come specifically to Arnold's Way!  Another food preparation workshop will be at Arnold's Way sometime in January featuring Kwalite Prince Wali.  Classes are free.  Must register with Arnold.  Call Arnold for reservations and more information.  215-483-2266.

Tuesday January 22: Loren Lockman, director of Tanglewood Wellness Center will be speaking on fasting at 6:30pm.

Tuesday Healing Lecture Series: Stay tuned...

April 12-14:  Arnold's Way and Matt Goodman will be sponsoring a Yoga Raw Food Retreat at the Lodge in Eagle Mere, PA.  The beauty of the lodge  speaks for itself.  Experience the breath taking view!  It's 1 mile from the lake.  The weekend will include guided meditation, yoga, and 100% raw food cuisine.  $200 all inclusive.  Just $50 to hold your spot.  Sign up quickly as a limited number of rooms are available.  (Rooms are dorm-style.)